Tuesday, 29 July 2014

A Review of No One Ever Has Sex On A Tuesaday by Tracy Bloom

Katy never allows herself into a committed realtionship. She thinks that her relationship with PE teacher Ben, who is eight years younger than her is just a bit of fun, until she gets pregnant.

Around the time she got pregnant she slept with bith current boyfriend Ben and ex boyfriend Matthew. She tries to put all thought of Matthew to the back of her mind, until she walks into her antenatal class and Matthew is there before her, with his pregnant wife, who is expecting twins.

The story follows Katy, who is trying to keep Ben from finding out that he might not be the father if her baby. We see the couple become friends with Matthew and his wife Alison and the conseqences that come from it.

This book moved along at a fast pace. I had to put the book down many times, because I was howling with laughter. The charaters were all loveable and very realistic. It was a good plot, which moved along at a good pace.

I would recommend this book to anyone, who is looking for a good summer read! I found that I went through the book at a very fast pace and found it funny throughout. This is a must read!!!

Monday, 28 July 2014

A Review of The Last Days of Rabbit Hayes by Anna Mcpartlin

The Last Days of Rabbit Hayes is exactly what it says in the tin. It follows Rabbit (Mia) Hayes as her family take her a hospice to live out her remaining days as she loses her four year battle with cancer.

Even though the book is utterly heartbreaking, it's also heartwarming.

I found that the characters in this book were incredibly relatable, they all seemed so real to me. I feel that the further I got into the book the more I liked the characters. Each one was written in a way that you just can'y help but care fot them.

The book deals with how Rabbit Hayes copped throughout her four years of cancer, through her blog, and showed how she managed to ramain upbeat and positive throughout her experience. It then shows how she deals with knowing that her death is nearing and how her family and friends cope with the loss of a loved one.

Although this is not my ususal kind of book, I thouroughly enjoyed this. It was both heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. It also had just the right amount amount of humor. I would thoroughly recommend this book, alomg with a man sized box of tissues because if your anything like me you'll be crying your eyes out by the end. I swallowed up this book in just a few hours and found it difficult to put down once I had started to read it.

A Review of Love Me or Leave Me by Claudia Carroll

From the minute that I picked up this book, I found it very hard to put it down again. It was a truely captivating comedy, about seperated couples and their journeys through Dublin new Divorce Hotel.

This book starts out with the wedding invitations off three very different couples having three very different weddings. We then meet Chloe Townsend, who two years ago, was herself dumped at the alter. Now, back in Dublin she's becoming the manager of Hope Street Hotel, a divorce hotel. Her job is to meet with all of the couples previous to them attending the hotel to ensure that they remain civil towards each other and that they won't disrupt the mediating process.

The plan is simple, arrive at the hotel married, attend mediation meeting and leave with a divorce bundle that both parties are happy with for when the time of their divorce comes. We follow the story of Chloe and the couples during the opening weekend of Hope Street Hotel.

The book moved along at a good pace and keeps up the suspense from start to fininsh. A book that will really keep you guessing.

The book is centred around Chloe and three main couples, Jo and Dave, Kirk and Dawn and Lucy and Andrew. We follow wach couples story and find out what went wrong in each marriage.

The Verdict: From the minute that I picked up this book I found it impossible to put it down again. It was filled with laughs from beginning to end and kept me guessig throughout. This book is a great summer read and I couldn't recommend it enough.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

A review of If You Were Me by Sheila O Flanagan

Carlotta O Keeffe is happy with her life, she's getting married to the man of her dreams and she has a great job that allows her to travel to many different cities. So when she's on a job in Spain and she misses her train to take her the airport, the last person she expects to run into is her childhood friend and neighbour Luke, who one day was her best friend and the next he disapperaed in the night and she never heard from him again until now. She decides to spend a bit of time with Luke, and allows him to show her around to all of the best tourists spots in the city. After they share a kiss, Carlotta returns home to Dublin. Meeting Luke has sparked a lot of What If's in Carlotta's mind.She now doesn't know if she's doing the right thing by getting married. We follow her on her journey of discovering what she wants from her life, and who she wants in it.

The characters is this book were extremely likeable. Right from the off, I liked Carlotta and wanted nothing but good things for her. However, throughout the book I did find myself rooting for Luke, as I believe that he is the character that stole the show in this book. He just came across as a very likeable character.

Once I picked this book up, I couldn't put it down! It was such a page turner! It's easy to see ehy this book is topping the best selling charts! A must read! I couldn't recommend this book enough!

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

A Review of One Wish by Maria Duffy

Becky Greene is delighted with life, she has a great job, a gorgeous daughter and a lovely terrace house. But when Lilly arrives home from school one day asking why she doesn't have a Daddy, Becky is questioning if she has made the right decisions in the past by not telling Lilly's father about the existence of his child.

After years of thinking that she would be much better off without him, Becky decideds to go on a search for Lilly's father. We follow Becky around Dublin City as she searches for clues as to where she can find Dennis, Lilly's father. When she finally finds him, she is shocked to find that he isn't the same man he used to be.

We find out that Dennis is homeless very early on in the book. When Becky realises that this man is the father of her daughter, she wants to run a mile for him, after all what could a homeless man have to offer to a four year old little girl. But as Becky gets to know Dennis a bit better, she realises that the downturm of the economy has changed this man for the better. We see Becky and Dennis get to know each other better, even if he does think that her name is Alice. The more she gets to know him the more she thinks that he should know about his daughters existence. After a vicious attack on Dennis, Beckydecides to tell him that he is the father of Lilly. Which then makes Dennis reevaulatehis life!

This book is such a heart warming tale which touches on many real life points, such as homelessness and infertility. Maria has a way of making this a very delicate story. I am a big fan of Maria's books and this was no exception. I couldn't wait to get my hands on this book and I read it at record speed, it was just unputdownable. I would highly recommend it! It's definetly a must read!!!

A Review of Something from Tiffany's by Melissa Hill

It's Christmas Eve in New York City and two men, Gary and Ethan are buying very special presents for the women in their lives for the very iconic Tiffany's store in 5th avenue. Gary's girlfriend Rachel has paid for them both to go on the holiday of a lifetime to spend Christmas in New York and he decides than a silver charm bracelet is the perfect present to say thank you and also because he's left his Christmas shopping go far too late. Simultaneously, Ethan and his daughter Daisy are shopping the iconic store to but a very special present of a solitaire diamond ring for Vanessa, the first woman in Ethan's life since he lost his beloved wife Jane a few years earlier.

As both men leave the iconic shop a freak accident means that the two men's bags get mixed up and that Ethan ends up losing his ring as a result of being a good Samaritan. So with Rachel opening up her present to find Ethan's diamond ring inside, Gary finds himself engaged, while Ethan is desperately trying to get his precious ring back.

From here on in the story follows Ethan on his desperate attempts to reunite the ring with it's rightful owner. We follow him on his journey from his home in London to Dublin to track down Rachel and the ring. However, the more Ethan gets to know Rachel, he realises that she really has no idea that the ring is belong to him and that she really does believe that Gary wanted to propose the whole time. Gary refuses to believe that the ring is rightfully Ethan's and that the bags got confused during the accident in New York. Surrendering, Ethan heads home to London. He has all but given up hope of ever getting his ring back. But then Ethan finds out he may have a fairy godmother in the form of Rachel's friend Terri.

As the story progresses, you find that there is a lot more happening behind the scenes than you first thought, with Vanessa ending up as the villain and Gary turning out to be not as arrogant as you first thought.

The story moves along at a good pace, with the usual twists and turns that Melissa Hill is known and loved for. The first Melissa Hill book that I ever read, it has opened my eyes to world of stories that are just unputdownable! This book has also started off a fascination in me with a certain little blue box. It is a book you will read again and again and you still wont be able to put it down. It is a thoroughly entertaining and it has all the ingredients that make Melissa Hill's books so amazing. I would honestly say that this book is my favourite book, one which I have passed around to friends and family and everyone has found enjoyment in it! I couldn't recommend it enough, it really is a must read!

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