Thursday, 7 August 2014

A Review of What A Girl Wants by Lindsey Kelk

I waited a long time for this book to hit the shelves, after discovering the gem that is About A Girkl last year. Ans once I got my hands on it, it did not disappoint.

This book picks up exactly where About A Girl left off. It follows Tess, on her quest to find out whether she's team Nick or team Charlie, with hilariuos bits along the way.

It keeps you guessing right up to the end whether she's going to choose Nick or Charlie and this is what keeps the book interesting. The book begins with Tess finding herself in jail, so from the off it's a funny and moves along at good pace.

We see all of the characters we know and love from About A Girl, again in this book, which in my opinion makes it al the more interesting.

I was actually counting down the days until I got my hands on this book and I must say that it was well worth the wait. I couldn't put it down once I had started it. I couldn't recommend this book enough, especially if you've read the I Heart series, and the previous book, About A Girl, where we meet Tess for the first time. 


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