I would like to thank the publishers for sending me an arc copy of this book in return for an honest review.
Preceded by chaos is an illustrated short story. I can't believe how much I really liked this book. It is so original and has such a fresh outlook on story telling. It really is unlike anything that I have ever read before and probably ever will read again.
Initially, I had trouble getting this book onto my kindle and ended up reading it on my laptop instead, which gave me a much better view of the illustrations within the book. This book gave the main character Mitchell a great introduction and really showed the stresses and strains that working in Emergency Medicine can bring. Mitchell is at a point in his life where he feels a little bit, a feeling that most people will get at some stage in their life and a feeling that I myself have been familiar with in the past.
There isn't too much that I can say about this book without giving too much of the story away. Preceded by Chaos is short, sweet and to the point, taking the reader straight into the story. I adore that the story is told through illustrations, as this is such a fresh and innovative way of story telling, and one that I hope will catch on more in the future.
I didn't expect to love this book, but more and more recently I'm finding a love of new genres and I am reading books that I would not have considered reading in the past. I am so glad that I decided to take a chance on this book. I am also delighted to find that this is the first installment in a series. I am so looking forward to getting my hands on more books in this series, as I love this way of story telling.
Preceded By Chaos Vol. 0
…Preceded by Chaos is an illustrated short story. The protagonist, Mitchell Weaver, is a young Emergency Medicine doctor. Mitchell has entered a high stress, distinguished profession with the burden of a variety of particularly disturbing personal demons that he must battle every day in order to maintain the façade of sanity and control. The initial instalment of the series, Volume 0, introduces the reader to Mitchell at a point in his life where he has begun to realize that many of his prior indulgences and deficits are no longer compatible with his current life of responsibility.
About M. Wheeler
M. Wheeler held an eclectic series of jobs - including working as a studio engineer and a teacher -
before he entered medical school in his thirties. During his residency while living in New York City, he wrote his first two books which would eventually become the Preceded by Chaos series. Wheeler travels extensively for his job but currently lives in Miami.
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