Three years ago, Bella Castle fled her hometown with a broken heart over Dominic Thane. Now three years later, her life couldn't be better, she loves living with her godmother, she has a great job and she's engaged to Nevil, her boss. But then Dominic shows up unexpectedly and Bella begins the question if Nevil really is her perfect match after all.
I found that Bella and Nevil had a very strange relationship. I felt that it was a relationship of convenience for both characters. I found the characters, especially Jane, Alice, Bella and Dominic to be very likeable and real. I thought that the characters of Bella and Alice really made this book. I liked how there was two stories to read, as it kept me interested.
The story moved along at a fast pace, but it didn't leave anything out. I found that once I picked this up I couldn't put it down. It was quite descriptive, so it was easy to imagine the story while reading it.
This is the first book I've read by Katie Fforde, but it certainly won't be the last. While it was the beautiful cover that attracted me to this book, the story definetly kept me entertained. It is a beautifully written feel good book, that will keep you entertained until the very last page.
4/5 stars