Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Meet and Delete by Pauline Lawless

Meet and Delete follows, Megan, Viv and Claire in their search for true love.

Megan comes home one night to find her fiance packing his bags and he tells her that her wedding is off, just eight weeks before the wedding. Viv is unlucky in love and tires if the men in her life after a very short period of time. Claire gave up her chance of happiness to take care of her dying mother. 

Now all three girls are living together and are trying their arm at online dating, in the hopes of finding Mr. Right. But is Mr. Right closer than they think?

This book is laugh out loud funny and is also very serious at times. It deals with a lot of issues from online dating to death and even stalking. I feel that it gave a good indication of what online dating could be like.

This book kept me interested from the first page to the very last and I found that the characters were mostly likeable, however I did find Viv to be quite annoying at times throughout the book. I found that the book moved along at a good pace, not too fast and not too slow. What I really liked about this story was that it was 100% believable. Even though a lot happened in the book it didn't seem far fetched.

This is the first book I've read by Pauline Lawless, but it certainly won't be the last. I loved everything about this book from start to finish and I can't wait to read more books by Pauline Lawless. 

5/5 stars


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